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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Life is Good

I have lately been comparing my situation with many others’s experiences. This is pretty dumb. No one has had my life experiences, triumphs or tragedies.
Take for instance, my current residence. Most of the people there are from a totally different world. Their life experiences are so vastly different from mine, it’s hard to relate, so how, then could I compare my situation with theirs?
I have so much good fortune, I am truly blessed. I have a wonderful husband who is my anchor. He has stood by me despite much dissent from his family. I truly love him, and m so blessed to have found such a wonderful man!
I have not one but two jobs, it keeps me busy and out of that place! The rules change consistently, in fact that is about the only thing that is consistent about where I temporarily reside.
I have a great family. I am sure Tony’s family would rather I fall off the face of the Earth, however my family loves me for the person I am, not the one they have “created”. Tony’s girls, have never even approached me with their beefs, they just harangue their father and make him pay for my real or imagined crimes. Take for instance girl 14 she tells her father, that when I come home, she will be out of his life. Why in the world would she punish him? And how did she support me up until 4 months into my incarceration and then just “decide” I was evil? Her story is as changeable as a chameleon. As for girl 0 she will have to live with the pain and aggravation she has caused her father. She asked him to choose, he did, and I am fortunate!
My pain stems from his aggravation. I feel it is wrong for his children to punish him for loving and being loyal to me. I have dealt with my demons. I refuse to admit to something I had no part. At this point, admitting to a crime I didn’t commit would have no benefit. It would not magically heal our family. That takes more than just desire; it takes work, and compromise.  I have done a lot of healing; I can now put things in their place, and only take them out when appropriate. Do I still get upset when my husband cries because his daughter treats him with disrespect? Yes I clearly do, and knowing that I can do nothing about anyone else’s behavior helps me deal with that frustration.
Now the ball is in Tony’s family’s court. If they choose to ostracize me, so be it. Everyone has an opinion, and like a butt hole everyone has them, they mostly stink.

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